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10 Proven Techniques for Approaching and Meeting Women in 2020

10 Proven Techniques for Approaching and Meeting Women in 2020

Hey my fellow gents! I want to play a game with you…

Let’s play “What Do You Do?”

Here’s the scenario, you’re at a bar/venue/event/etc., and you see a beautiful woman smiling at you from across the room/bar/whatever.

What do you do?

Did you freeze?


Totally blow it?

Okay, okay, let me give you an easier scenario. You are at an event/bar/whatever and you want to meet girls.

What do you do?

I’ll wait…Having a tough time with this one too?

Yeah, I understand, and I’ve gone through the same thing. Sometimes, I still have issues if we are being honest. Fear not though gentlemen, for I am going to share some solid tips for meeting and approaching women when you are out and about.

There are two ways you can approach women: directly and indirectly. Equally effective, both options offer easy and actionable techniques to implement into your communication and potential connection with a girl.

Meeting Women: The Indirect Approach

Indirect is my personal favorite style for meeting women, approaching women, and just meeting new people in general. This style is based on creating a “party bubble” around you that brings women to you. Here’s how we can accomplish this.

1. Post Up At High Traffic Points

– Bar – The high traffic points would be the elbows (corners) of the bar. This is where everyone will be coming and going to get their drinks

– Party/Event – If there is an open bar, make that your station, if not, post up near the refreshment/food table. Everyone will be coming for a drink or bite to eat.

– Concert or club (where there is dancing) – The area between the dance floor and the seating area. This is where girls will be walking to the dance floor or coming from the dance floor.

2. Send A Positive Vibe

– Make sure to be in a positive mood, give off positive vibes and show that you are having fun. Women will notice this and will naturally gravitate towards you.

– Do not be that scowling guy in the corner. Would you want to be around that person? Thought so.

3. Cheers Everyone As They Walk By

– Everyone always smiles and returns the gesture

– The guy who reaches out positively is seen as being fun, open, inviting and social

 – This is an easy way to connect with women and a low risk if you fear rejection.

4. Have A Smile On Your Face, ALWAYS

No one wants to interact with someone who looks like they are grumpy.

5. Look Like You Belong

– Be confident in your own skin, comfortable where you are, and take everything in while having a good time. Have you ever seen that guy that just seems like he knows exactly what he’s doing and that he belongs there? Be that guy.

– Stand tall, shoulders back, arms by sides, head nodding to the music, smile on your face and enjoying your drink.

These are five solid, actionable tips for an indirect way to meet girls. I guarantee that if you use some of these tips, women will approach you and make it easier for you to engage in conversation with them.

Now that we’ve covered the indirect approach, let’s move on to the direct approach.

Meeting Women: The Direct Approach

The direct approach is what most guys think of when they decide they want to meet girls while out. This approach is when you randomly walk up to a girl you’ve never met before and start a conversation with her.

This approach requires self-confidence and zero fear of rejection. Let’s be real though, rejection is part of this game, so……get used to it. Let’s dive into actionable tips to make approaching girls directly a lot easier!

6.The 5-Second Rule

– This is the rule I use often. It’s simple – you see a girl you like, count to 5 and go approach her. If you wait longer than 5 seconds, you will overthink and I guarantee it will become a crash and burn situation.

7. Never Overthink

– Just go for it. Girls want you to come talk to them. Don’t worry about what you are going to say or how you will look. Just be yourself and be confident.

8. If She Makes Eye Contact Or Smiles At You

Go talk to her now!!!! This is a clear sign she’s okay with you coming to say “Hey”, so utilize this opportunity to make your move.

9. Stay Positive

– Have a blast with walking up to a girl and talking to her. You must realize, not many guys have what it takes to even do this, so already you’re way ahead of the curve.

– Confidence is key. If you feel like you’re not confident well…FAKE IT!! Fake it till you make it. If you believe you are confident, then eventually you will become confident.

– Girls can pick up on your confidence and positivity. So, make sure you have at least both. You can have the corniest conversation, make embarrassing mistakes, and yet if you’re confident, positive and fun, I can guarantee she will overlook that and continue to converse with you.

10. Tell Yourself, “I Hope I Like This Girl” As You Approach Her

Go in with the mindset that you’re hoping you like her and not hoping she likes you.

– This flips the script. This is the positive self-talk you should have running through your mind when talking to any woman. You know you’re pretty awesome, you just want to find out if she’s just as awesome. If she doesn’t like you…that’s okay! You know you’re awesome already and never needed that validation from a woman. It’s her loss if she doesn’t realize it.

– A good book for this mentality is Models by Mark Manson.

Wrapping Up

Alright gents, so I just gave 10 proven tips for meeting women and now that you’re equipped with a variety of tips for both styles (direct and indirect) of approaching women, I want you to remember the following. For whatever technique you decide to use, be confident, be yourself, stand tall, SMILE (I can’t emphasize this enough), and have open/positive body language.

When you are successful using any of these techniques and you find yourself engaging with a woman you like, get her number then move on back to your group. You want to move on so you don’t overplay your hand, it lessens the chance of making a mistake and it makes both her and you excited to plan the date and see each other.