8 Must-Know Sex Tips for Men

8 Must-Know Sex Tips for Men

Even if you’re the smoothest guy on the planet you should always be looking to elevate your bedroom game even further. There’s always more to learn about sex, about your partner, and about how you can give your sex life a boost and keep things sizzling for many years to come, right? The following tips are just a few pointers every man ought to keep in mind if he’s serious about keeping his partner satisfied and being his sexual best both now and into the future.

1. Keep the lines of communication open

Even the hottest, happiest couples can eventually find themselves smack in the middle of a lengthy sexual rut. Time passes, your relationship deepens, and you become more comfortable with one another. Life happens. Things can start to get routine when it comes to sex as a result. Don’t simply resign yourself to it. Break out of your rut (or prevent yourselves from falling into it in the first place) by having frank conversations about sex together on a regular basis. Take turns telling each other what you each need, as well as suggesting new things you might like to try. Both your sex life and your relationship in general will benefit.

2. Hit the gym

Need some additional motivation to make a daily habit out of exercise? Know that it’s one of the best things a man can possibly do for his sexual health and the ongoing quality of his sex life. Not only does sex boost your body’s testosterone production, adding up to a big boost for your libido, but you’ll build strength, stamina, and flexibility as well. Plus, exercise is awesome for your confidence and self-esteem. You don’t have to kill it in the gym for hours every day to reap the benefits either. Even as little as 15-20 minutes a day can make a massive difference, so lace up those cross-trainers and get moving!

3. Eat right

As with exercise, this is something most men know they should be doing. We get out of our bodies what we put into them and that’s just as true in the bedroom as it is anywhere else in life. Treat your body right by cutting back on junk and feeding it plenty of nourishing, healthy foods instead (e.g. lean proteins, whole grains, and fresh produce). Among other benefits, you’ll keep your circulatory and cardiovascular systems in tip-top condition – an absolute must when it comes to achieving the hard, huge, long-lasting erections you no doubt want.

4. Be generous with the compliments

Everyone loves to hear how hot and desired they are. It’s unlikely your partner is any exception, so make sure you’re letting them know on the regular that you think they’re totally smokin’. Mention body parts of theirs that drive you especially wild or compliment them on their own sizzling bedroom skills. Everyone feels more enthusiastic between the sheets when they’re also feeling themselves.

5. Switch things up regularly.

Variety is the spice of life, especially in the bedroom. That said, don’t leave it completely up to your partner to spice things up and keep sex exciting. Try taking the initiative yourself by switching things up once in a while. If you and your partner have a naughty toy chest or a costume drawer, consider surprising them with a couple of fun new items to add to it. (Lingerie, toys, lubes – anything goes!) New positions and locations are also good, as is switching up the time of day the two of you get down and dirty. Sex is an art form if you allow it to be, so be creative!

6. Get acquainted with lube.

If you’re not already using lube on the regular, you should really be aware of what a game changer it is. In addition to helping smooth the way when it comes to lots of different kinds of sex play, lube can open the door to an entirely new host of interesting sensations. For instance, there are warming lubes, cooling lubes, and lubes that come in various flavors or scents. Some lubes do excellent double duty as massage oils as well, so it’s definitely worth your while to find a few you like and keep them handy.

7. Turn your portable tech into your new best friend.

Hoping tonight’s agenda will include some serious one-on-one time between the sheets? In the mood to give both of you a little something to look forward to later? Chances are you pass a lot of your downtime looking at your phone anyway, so consider using it to prime the pump for later, so to speak. Send your partner romantic or sexy messages throughout the day to let them know they’re totally on your mind. Get as raunchy and risqué as you like. You’ll both be totally hot to trot by the time you get home, even if your current workload means having to work late.

8. Hold off for a bit.

If you and your partner are already having sex regularly, consider putting the nix on sexual activity for a while to allow a little urgency to build. Nothing makes you lust after your lover quite like knowing you can’t have them right that minute. How long you hold off is up to you, but whether it’s a few days or an entire week, you can rest assured that the next time you come together, things are bound to be super explosive. Give it a try and see for yourself!

Myths of Men’s Style

Myths of Men’s Style

When it comes to style, a lot of guys hold onto a handful of myths as excuses for not upping their game. Below, we debunk 8 of those most common myths and eliminate your excuses for schlubbing around town in baggy old jeans and a ratty hoodie. 

1. You’ve always got to stay on top of the latest trends.

Trends are set by a lot of people, and can spontaneously arise. But the vast majority originate in a marketing firm somewhere.

Whether you’re seeing it on the front of Esquire, on a mannequin at Brooks Brothers, or in a Hollywood blockbuster, “this season’s look” exists because clothing manufacturers want you to buy clothes all year round, every year.

There are a couple problems to following marketed trends. The first is, obviously, cost — most of us don’t have the luxury of investing in a new duds every few months.

A second major problem is that “trends,” by definition, have to be recognizable. This means that fashion designers work to include unique, striking traits, ranging from unusual colors or patterns to very severe modifications on traditional cuts for menswear. These “different for the sake of being different” styles tend not to catch on over the long haul, and when the fashion fades, you’re left with a garment that’s just weird-looking instead of “in.”

Finally, trendy clothes are made to become quickly obsolete. They’re rarely built to last, since the assumption is that the wearer will replace them within a year or two. You’re not only getting a bad deal, but contributing to needless waste as well.

A better alternative is to buy sturdy, high-quality clothing made and tailored in a classic, enduring style without any experimental flourishes. Not only will this allow you to buy clothes less frequently, but those you add to your wardrobe can last for years, and even decades, without ever going out of style. 

2. You need a great body to look good.

Being super-ripped looks great on the beach, but that doesn’t matter much, as the vast majority of our lives is spent clothed. And in point of fact, serious athletes and bodybuilders may actually have a harder time looking good in normal business clothes, since most garments you’d buy at department stores won’t be cut for their exaggerated proportions.

That’s not to say that a man should neglect his health or be unmindful of his body’s appearance, obviously. But sharp dressers throughout the years have included men of every shape and size conceivable. In many cases, Hollywood actors (who often have to change their body dramatically for different roles) have gone through a whole range of body types while staying consistently well-dressed.

The key to looking good lies in knowing what kind of clothes suit your body type: skinny men with slim limbs may want more bulk, broad men with a lot of weight in the midsection will want slimming styles, and so on.

Plus, good tailoring is a powerful equalizer. Men who aren’t confident in their physical appearance can change their appearance significantly with a well-tailored, well-fitted suit. A good jacket tends to make the shoulders look broader and the waist slimmer — the same look lots of guys hit the gym to achieve.

Of course, it’s always best to do both. Dress well and stay healthy and you’ll never have to worry about appearances. But don’t buy into the idea that you have to look good naked before it’s worth trying to look good clothed.

3. People are smart enough to judge your character, not your looks.

As noble as the idea of being judged solely on your merits is, it’s just not the reality in most situations.

People often have to make decisions about you long before they’ve had time to judge your character — and in those situations, it’s going to be your appearance they default to for guidance. We’re a very visual species and our brains make a lot of snap decisions based on what looks appealing or threatening to us.

As a result, your appearance is always sending messages to other people. A deliberately neglectful style — unkept hair, baggy jeans, and old T-shirts, among other things, tend to say, “I don’t care what you think about me.”

That appeals to some guys. And that impulse is reasonable. We’d all like to be rewarded based on our merits alone. But the look still says, “I don’t care,” and that makes people not want to do business or socialize with you. Why would they? You’ve already told them you’re not interested in their opinions, without saying a word.

Good dressing will always be important, no matter how impeccable your character or impressive your achievements. You don’t have to believe that better clothing makes someone a better person, but you do need to be aware of the influence your appearance has before you ever get a chance to open your mouth.

4. Dressing sharp takes longer than just throwing on any old thing.

Surprisingly, it actually gets easier and easier to dress in the morning as your clothing improves.

There are a couple of reasons for this. One is, obviously, that your options expand over time, assuming that you’re buying clothes faster than you’re wearing them out (not hard to do if you’re buying quality clothing). The more things you have in the closet that really suit you, the quicker it is for your tired, blurry eyes to latch onto something they like. Grab it, put it on, and go.

A man who’s thinking about his dressing also tends to build a more interchangeable wardrobe. If you’re a careful shopper you can amass a collection of shirts, pants, and accessories that work together, so that there’s never a moment where you’re saying, “I like this shirt/suit/whatever but don’t know what to wear it with.”

A man whose clothing doesn’t really suit him, on the other hand, is likely to spend a lot of time trying to put something decent together when he does need to dress up. That can become a long and frustrating morning routine if you’ve got to dress nicely for work every day and haven’t taken the time to build a wardrobe suited to your body and tastes.

Of course, a little judicious pruning here and there always helps. Once or twice a year it’s worth going through the closet and drawers and pulling out anything that you don’t really care for anymore, or that doesn’t fit, or that you just haven’t worn in a year or two. Give these discards away to charity. It’s that much less visual clutter when you’re deciding what you want to put on.

5. Ready-to-wear clothing is ready to go as soon as you get it off the rack.

Ready-to-wear or off-the-rack (two phrases for the same thing) clothing is made to fit as many people as possible. The less sizes the manufacturer has to make, the cheaper production costs are, so every size will be made pretty loose in the hopes of fitting more customers.

The result of this is that most ready-to-wear clothing requires adjustment. Unless you happen to have the exact measurements the machine was set for when it made the garment (highly unlikely), there are bound to be a few spots that don’t quite fit you.

Sleeves and cuffs often need adjusting, and shirts and jackets may need to be taken in at the waist for skinny men. Many places that sell higher-end ready-to-wear clothing will do adjustments in-house on things like suits and wool slacks. Men who order online may need to take items in to a tailor for final adjustments after they arrive.

So despite the name, “ready-to-wear” usually isn’t. T-shirts, jeans, and other casual clothes will probably be fine, but anything you want to look sharp in will need some adjusting.

6. Rack sizes are consistent.

This one is a novice shopper’s mistake. Anyone with a bit of fitting-room experience can tell you that one brand’s 36″ waist does not necessarily fit the same as another brand’s.

That’s largely because rack sizes only give a few basic measurements that can’t hope to describe the actual fit of the body. Trousers are a good example: for men, they’re almost always measured with either the waist size followed by the inseam length or just the waist size, sometimes accompanied by a word like “long” or “regular.”

What that describes is how long the trousers are and how they’ll fit around your belly. What it doesn’t describe is how close the joining point of the crotch is to the waistband, how wide the openings of the legs are, how broad the seat is, and a dozen other measurements that make all the difference between “fits like a dream” and “perpetual wedgie.”

What does this mean in practical terms? Primarily, it means that if you find a brand that really does fit you, treasure it and buy plenty. It also means keeping an eye on misleading phrases like “slim fit” or “relaxed fit” when trying things on — these are usually indicators of the unlisted measurements like thigh and seat width, and if you like the brand you’ll want to keep in mind what fit you like as well as the number of your size.

Men buying made-to-measure or bespoke clothing will find a whole host of new measurements beyond the rack size. It’s worth saving them for reference when you’re buying off-the-rack, so hang onto the numbers (when you buy new tailored clothing the tailor will, of course, take new measurements).

7. Dressing well costs a lot of money.

When it comes to making excuses for not dressing better, a lot of men will say that they’d like to, but just can’t afford it. They think style is an exclusive privilege of the well-heeled.

But style is obtainable no matter your income. It does take a little more effort to build a wardrobe on a budget — shopping at thrift stores, watching for sales, turning down trends, making your clothing last — but it’s doable.

8. You can get all the knowledge you need from style writing.

As hard as we try, we can’t replace the value of experience. If knowledge were the only power, librarians would rule the world. There comes a point where you just have to get out there and experiment for yourself.

That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t do your reading first — but it does mean that the best way to get good at buying clothes is to buy some clothes. See what you like and what you don’t. Learn your tastes, your body size, and your tolerance for shopping. Make a few mistakes (we all do).

A lot of looking good comes down to plain old confidence. You get that by becoming comfortable with your wardrobe and your style choices. It comes over time. Style blogs, books, and magazines are great starting places that can give you an idea of where you want to go.

Then it’s up to you to actually go there.

How to Be a Cool Dad – Father’s Day

How to Be a Cool Dad - Father's Day

Discovering ways to be a father while retaining your sense of self is a surefire way to come
 across as a cool dad – not just to your kids and the rest of the world but to yourself as well. Having kids doesn’t automatically mean you are stripped of your coolness! So, how do you become a fun and cool dad? These four tips are sure to help.

Want to Be a Cool Dad? | Here Are 4 Tips for How to Do That

1. Dress Up When Necessary

If you want to be a cool dad, perhaps it’s time to put a little effort into what you wear.

When you first became a father, high fashion probably meant a clean pair of sweats. That may be okay every once in a while, but you can also try adding more durable pieces to your wardrobe, too.

Dressing up can portray a message to your children. For example, it speaks a lot about self-care. You may never run out of things on your to-do list, family and work perhaps taking first and second place, but you should always find time to take care of yourself.

When it comes to your wardrobe, the key is to focus on a style that’s right for men, not teenagers. Don’t try to find common ground with your kids by dressing like them. That will likely only cause more alienation between you.

Here are some pointers to achieve your cool dad style:

– Start with a leather belt or a funky watch.

– Instead of wearing a dingy undershirt under your collared shirt, opt for a tee with a pop of color.

– Rather than the usual windbreaker when in gray or drizzly weather, try a classic trench coat. This adds a hint of old-school “spy dad” to your style.

– Remember, dressing like your children won’t fool anybody. On days where you want to connect with your inner child, do it with your footwear. Loafers with a wacky print or bright-colored canvas shoes are a great way to add coolness.

– Go a little more daring with the print on your tie when you want to be both formal and stylish.

Sometimes dudes make the mistake of not thinking through which accessories to wear. The wrong ones can definitely add dork points rather than edgy ones. When you’re hitting the coffee shop with your laptop, for example, you definitely don’t give off a cool vibe if you walk in with stacks of papers and a bunch of cords. Instead, find a rugged messenger bag or a leather backpack to add some style to your look and some organization to your items.

2. Don’t Be Shy about Keeping it Real

Like most things about parenthood, figuring out how much sensitive information or personal views to share with your kids is something of a balancing act. If you reveal too much of your checkered past, you can scar them for life. OK, maybe not really, but you may end up sharing more than they can handle at the moment.

Like most things about parenthood, figuring out how much sensitive information or personal views to share with your kids is something of a balancing act. If you reveal too much of your checkered past, you can scar them for life. OK, maybe not really, but you may end up sharing more than they can handle at the moment.

On the other hand, if you pretend to have a squeaky-clean background or a sunny outlook on everything, your kids are apt to see you as someone they can’t confide in.

A truly cool dad will be one who develops a sense about how much reality his kids can handle and when may be the best time to fire off that “truth cannon.”

Obviously, sons can draw comfort from the fact that it’s normal to feel conflicted about sex, partying, college, and those other minefields of high school and young adulthood years. Daughters can also benefit by learning more about those mysterious creatures known as teen boys.

What about other concerns such as current events and shaky family finances? Mom and dad often instinctively keep those realities to themselves, especially if there’s something about the topic that might make kids feel anxious. The “coolest dad” thing you can do, though, is to at least give your children some idea of what’s going on and how you feel about it. They’ll appreciate knowing they’re not alone in worrying, whether it’s about global warming or affording the college of their dreams.

3. Respect Their Emerging Opinions

It’s normal to throw out the “cool dad” persona when your kids start expressing opinions that make you uncomfortable.

Just remember, though, you had some pretty cringe-worthy opinions when you were young, too. In fact, it’s totally natural for children and teens to bounce all over the place when it comes to how they feel about religion, social issues, and even their favorite sports teams.

Even if you’re dismayed by some of the opinions they hold, stay calm. For one thing, it’s not unheard of for teens to be mini-contrarians. Whether they know it or not, they may simply want to argue the opposite point-of-view to establish their own ideas. Whether they view you as a cool dad or not, they need to veer away a bit to get a better sense of their own identity.

Even if they sincerely have a different ideology than you or want to pursue a career you don’t believe in, be patient. Their views are apt to change – and change again. If they feel safe enough to have a spirited but respectful debate with their “cool parents,” they’ll be able to grow and learn.

Of course, you don’t have to sacrifice hipness by pretending to agree with a radical position when you don’t. You can always let them know if you’re saddened to hear something that goes against your own values.

At the same time, try not to argue them out of their positions. They can’t really come to an informed point-of-view without exploring all aspects of a topic. The coolest dad thing you can do is be a sounding board while they sort through their thoughts.

4. Be Strong Inside and Out

As much as caring about values and feelings is important, sometimes the more superficial elements of your lifestyle can’t be ignored. Along with paying attention to clothing and grooming, staying fit is part of staying cool in your kids’ eyes, as well as to the rest of the world.

Does that mean out-of-shape dads can’t be cool? Of course not. We can all think of movie stars and rock gods who aren’t exactly health nuts. For most guys, however, staying in shape is an excellent way to build up confidence. Projecting that aura of command is key to the whole cool dad image.

Most of all, it helps you keep up with your kids and their friends when they want you to, whether it’s chasing after them at the beach when they’re little or joining their laser tag team when they’re a man down!

There are probably times when you wonder if being a cool dad should really be a high priority in your life. To be honest, your image shouldn’t preoccupy you unduly, but it’s only natural for men to want to keep their edge as they enter a different phase in life. Fatherhood is no exception. You’re certainly not neglecting your children if you focus on other aspects of yourself than fatherhood. After all, when you make becoming a “cool dad” a priority, you’re focusing on both worlds. When you do it right, those aspects can only enhance one another.

How To Get Your Significant Other Into Gaming

How To Get Your Significant Other Into Gaming

How To Get Your Significant Other Into Gaming

How To Get Your Significant Other Into Gaming

You play games, but your significant other does not. It’s a common scenario that can be a point of contention in an otherwise healthy relationship. To relax after work, you load up Overwatch on the living room Xbox. Your beau, on the other hand, wants to cook dinner with you. An hour watching you gun down virtual enemies is, to them, the definition of boring—even disrespectful of their time.

In my experience, gaming with your significant other can solidify romantic bonds. Dungeon-crawling, role-playing, solving puzzles and even competing at fighting games together are all ways to learn about loved ones and craft memories with them. While that may be clear to you, a lot of people have mental blocks when it comes to gaming. Sometimes, that’s because they didn’t grow up doing it. Other times, it’s because they don’t think they have the motor skills or the attention span. Mostly, though, people just don’t know about all the amazingly engaging, low-barrier-to-entry games out there.

Here’s a guide on how to introduce your significant other to the wide world of gaming. Remember—compromise is key. If your significant other takes the time to game with you, make sure you try out their favorite hobby with them, too.

How to approach the topic:

Pressuring your loved one into playing games is a surefire way for them to associate bad thoughts with gaming. If you make it about your convenience rather than their enjoyment, likely your significant other will continue looking down on your gaming habit. Instead, personalize the pitch. Tell them that their interest in fantasy novels might translate well to a story-heavy role-playing game like Pillars of Eternity or that their Sunday afternoon puzzle routine is a great hook into 3D puzzler The Witness.

Make it about their pleasure, not about yours.

A lot of time the response might be, “But I’m not good at games.” The idea that years of training are the only entry point into a love of gaming is false. Some games are pretty frustrating to pick up without certain gaming proficiencies, but others, like point-and-click RPGs or games with excellent tutorials, are not. Make sure you emphasize that skill isn’t a factor—you’re in it to have fun together. And that all depends on what game you pitch.

Games to Play with Non-Gaming S.O.s:

A lot of meatspace hobbies have gaming analogues. A love of socializing can translate well to Tomodachi Life, and the same with cooking and Cooking Mama. In my experience, though, this kind of thinking is a trap—if someone isn’t into gaming already, likely, they’ll ask, “Well, why don’t I just do my hobby IRL?” Instead, think in terms of tastes or ways of thinking rather than hobbies. Does your boyfriend or girlfriend like riddles? Are they into exploring? Are they patient or competitive? Considering these broader personality traits will help you narrow down the best intro games.

The best sort of games to introduce your loved one into gaming are local co-ops or multiplayer games. That way, you both split responsibility for in-game tasks and can put your heads together to solve problems. Portal 2’s co-op has a high success rate for keeping the attention of someone who doesn’t play games. It increases in difficulty at a reasonable rate and feels extremely rewarding to beat. The only caveat here is that, while playing, shut up and let them figure things out on their own. If you’re too demanding, your significant other might shut down.

Indie local co-op games are perfect for shorter gaming sessions with high enjoyment: Narwhal jousting game Starwhal, horror RPG Crawl or the hilarious Goat Simulator all have a sense of humor and easily-grasped mechanics. They don’t take themselves too seriously, so it’s easier for newbies to approach them with a more open mind. Also, those are all on Steam—you don’t need a console to play them.

Too-cute platformer Yoshi’s Woolly World has an excellent co-op that’s totally intuitive for anyone who’s played a similar Nintendo game.

Games with open worlds can also prove entrancing to gaming newcomers. Skyrim’s gorgeous landscapes are immediately compelling, and, paired with its detailed character customization (something I’ve seen appeal to non-gameplayers), it’s a great place to start. If you’re in a long-distance relationship, I highly recommend easy MMORPGs like Final Fantasy XIV, which is ripe for exploring has simple gameplay.

Finally, a single-player game that in my experience is instantly interesting to newbies is Inside. It’s a side-scrolling horror game with few mechanics and a lot of fantastic puzzles. Inside is short and mysterious, hooking players until they figure out what the protagonist’s backstory and goals are. Also, you can switch off the controller each time someone dies, which is a nice way to take a break and generate suspense and excitement for more gaming.

How to Act While Gaming with Your S.O.:

Don’t be condescending. Don’t backseat game. Don’t laugh at them. Don’t be overly complimentary. Be chill and quietly encouraging. The worst thing you can do is lord your gaming experience over them. Everybody was new to gaming once!

For co-op games, make sure to distribute responsibility equally. Let them take the lead sometimes and allow them to make discoveries and reap rewards for tasks well-done.

For single-player games, don’t hover. Being watched is disconcerting and intimidating. Maybe, do chores or read while your SO is gaming. If you do stick around, don’t take the controller from them without asking. Give little encouragements, like, “Wow, that was a cool trick,” or “You picked that up fast!”

That’s it! Personalize the pitch, select an appropriate game and be respectful. Hopefully, your significant other will be gaming with you in no time.

MANDIME Launches Baller: The Groin Deodorant

MANDIME Launches Baller: The Groin Deodorant

Men have asked… and we have listened. Lucky for them, ManDime, the premier men’s fragrance brand known for their expensive scents at a low price, has answered the demand for the arrival of its latest hygiene product. Without further ado, we’re pleased to present BALLER, the anti-chafing groin deodorant that promises to keep your family jewels dry and smelling amazing.

BALLER is a liquid, non-talc powder formula for your groin to help reduce sweat, irritation, and odor. It dries quickly with no residue (no one wants chalky balls).

What is Ball hygiene?

For most guys grooming starts and stops with their hair and face. But, if your below-the-belt care consists of only a splash of soap every so often, it’s time to upgrade your ball game. You and your boys below are deserving of ball-focused hygiene practices that will improve your daily comfort, confidence and skin health.

So why is Ball hygiene important?

Aside from being an area that most men closely tie to sexual health and self-confidence, our balls also happen to be one of our most sensitive areas, prone to odor, itch, and irritation. For an area so important to us I hope we can all agree we should be taking care down there. 

Well, why do balls get smelly? 

Let’s be real! All guy’s balls can smell from time-to-time, it’s fine, it’s natural, and it’s typically because of sweat glands called the Apocrine Gland. 

Apocrine glands typically live in highly active, dark, hot and moisture-prone areas like your groin and pits. These glands secrete a concentrated fatty-oily sweat to the surface of the skin when either your body temperature rises or your stress hormones increase (ie. hot weather, sports, and general life stresses). The odor you smell comes from bacteria that live on your skin which consume and break down this sweat into a very odor-rich fatty acid. 

So what are some sack hacks?

1) Use quality and less harsh products.

The scrotum is comprised of thinner skin which helps with temperature regulation but also makes it very sensitive to irritation, so be sure to use products that do not have harmful chemicals or harsh ingredients. When choosing a body wash we advise the more natural the better.

2) Wash your boys often. 

Your balls deserve attention, they’ve done a lot for you – pay them the respect they deserve. When in the shower make sure you focus on cleaning them and the area around them. In addition to cleaning, when you get out of the shower to make sure to give them a good dry, as the presence of moisture allows more germs and bacteria build-up. Give it a minute after you dry off to pull your boxers up. 

3) When Possible Reduce Sweat

Sweat causes sticking, itching, chafing, and odor. We don’t recommend wiping your armpit deodorant down below, but there are other products and grooming strategies to help control sweat in that region. 

Powders can help keep dry but most contain talc, aluminum, and other harsh ingredients. They can also be very messy and leave you with powder all over your clothes. If you use powder just make sure it’s doesn’t have any of the bad stuff. BALLER is a liquid powder is the perfect talc-free, aluminum-free solution that goes on as a liquid and dries as a mess-free powder.

4) Stay dry but not desert dry. Moisturize. 

We know we’ve talked a bit about making sure you’re dry down there – but TOO dry is just as bad. If you’re itching, have flaky skin or show redness – this may be because you’re more dry than you should be. A light balm, oil or moisturizer can help keep your skin protected.

BALLER uses natural ingredients to help gently moisturize and protect balls from bad bacteria. It also features well-balanced scents to keep you feeling confident you’re putting your best balls forward. 

Men can further elevate their full body grooming regime with the brand’s curated set of essential tools and formulations found in the ManDime Gift Set. This must-have kit includes:

  • BALLER Groin Deodorant
  • ManDime Fragrance
  • Lip Balm
  • Breath Spray
  • Hand Sanitizer

Available on www.mandime.co BALLER (3.4 oz) sells for $12.99 and the ManDime Gift Set is priced at $29.99. Customers may also opt to receive the Gift Set as a monthly subscription for a lower price so that their balls never go without feeling their best.

Advice On Masculinity

Advice On Masculinity

Masculinity, in its most noxious, stifling forms, can hurt men. Suppressing emotions can lead to aggression and violence, make men less healthy both mentally and physically, and push them to be less accepting of others.

It can also hurt women. It can exacerbate rape culture, and subvert efforts (from both men and women) to promote gender equality. “Certain masculinities preserve and promote the inequalities experienced between men and women, and, in order to achieve gender equality, they must be dismantled,” reads one 2015 study.

But honest discussions and genuine camaraderie between men can counteract all that. Talking about how to be a man—a real man, one who is kind, who has freed himself of the pressures to be a worse man—can make all the difference.

We wanted to give prominent, high-powered men a place to do that. We spoke to men who are actively grappling with gender equality in their present work.

One of the most actionable questions we asked each participant was: What’s the best advice you’ve received from another man, and what’s your best advice for young men today?

US senator Cory Booker:

My best advice to young men today, which is advice I received from my dad, is to be a thermostat, not a thermometer. We all have this choice in life, we can be like a thermometer, simply reflecting the environment we’re in, or we can be a thermostat and take responsibility for setting the temperature.

Comedian Travon Free:

This is a great question, as I’ve received advice from a host of great men and I could probably list a number of them. But what immediately comes to mind is from two men: Jon Stewart said to always trust your discomfort and it applies to many facets of life. When you feel uncomfortable, your body is trying to tell you something and you shouldn’t ignore it. The second is from a great man I’ve come to know, photographer Ruddy Roye, who reminds me constantly to act with intention and purpose. If you know what you’re doing and why you’re doing it you can rarely go wrong.

My advice to young men today is to think critically about what it means to be a “man.” Are you moving, breathing, behaving, and being the person you want to be, the man you want to be, or are you performing manhood and masculinity as it’s been prescribed to you by society? The answers may surprise them. This is how we begin to create a new generation of men who see equity as beneficial and not detrimental to their advancement.

Bridesmaids director Paul Feig:

Well, my father was a very fair and very good man, but he just had absolute contempt for [any] married man who cheated on his wife. To him that was just completely inexcusable, and he really drummed it into my head. That is a very, that’s a terrible thing to do, he taught me, and no real man who’s worth anything would actually do that. So you need to be sure. You shouldn’t just jump into marriage lightly, and when you do, make sure it’s right. And stay with it. And my best advice for young men today would be to be friends with women. You know, it’s not about trying to date everybody, if you’re into heterosexual relationships. Be friends with women, and that should really start when you’re kids.

If anything, I think this is advice for parents of boys, to make sure that their boys have female friends growing up. Because what happens when boys and girls aren’t friends with one another is it just becomes, you know, “Them versus us,” and girls are later thought of as a prize, or a conquest, or something to acquire sexually. But growing up, almost all my friends were girls. And because of that, I was always just in tune with what you should and shouldn’t do, or what upset them, or made them happy, or wasn’t cool. And once you have the groundwork for thinking of girls as equals, you can’t just shift that.

AOL co-founder Steve Case:

The best advice I’ve ever received was in the form of an African proverb: “If you want to go quickly, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.” Going together is about creating a more inclusive society. It’s an issue of equity and fairness, to be sure, but it’s also an issue of economic competitiveness. We shouldn’t just view this as a problem to solve—although it is—but also as an opportunity to seize, so we can be fully competitive as a nation.

New York Times reporter Walter Thompson-Hernandez:

My advice for young men is to think about who we were as children. Who were we before society took a hold of us? We need to reflect on the people we were before many of us were forced to believing that masculinity and tenderness cannot coexist together. I’ve been on this path for quite some time now and I urge us all to think about the boy or child who was filled with immense light, softness, and joy and to do all that we can to reclaim him.

23 of the Best Compliments – The Only List You Need!

23 of the Best Compliments - The Only List You Need!

23 of the Best Compliments - The Only List You Need!

23 of the Best Compliments - The Only List You Need!

The thing about growing up male is that a lot of us don’t have a strong background in verbally expressing just how much someone or something means to us. Consider this article a celebration of the shift in masculine consciousness that is going on right now.

No longer is “stoic, silent and emotionally stunted” the norm we aspire to. At the end of the day, that’s all fakery. There’s nothing attractive about hiding behind a mask.

Today’s man is constantly striving to express himself authentically. He sees worth in honesty and strength in vulnerability. That means knowing how to tell another person exactly why we value them and exactly how we love and adore them by knowing how to give good compliments.

Check our list for some ideas to get the wheels in your head turning.

Here are 23 of the best compliments:

1. I Bet You Make Babies Smile.

You’re recognizing the positivity that shines out of this person.

2. You Have Impeccable Manners.

Good manners are the ultimate form of courtesy and consideration of others.

3. You Are The Most Perfect You There Is.

We all worry that others won’t like who we are at our core. We all benefit from the assurance that being ourselves is enough.

4. Your Perspective Is Refreshing.

This is a powerful affirmation for a person who is brave enough to share their ideas, even if they might be unpopular at first.

5. You Should Be Proud Of Yourself.

You’re letting your loved one know that their accomplishment is worthy.

6. You’re More Helpful Than You Realize.

This is a great one to reassure our friends that they are appreciated even beyond what they are aware of.

7. You’ve Got All The Right Moves!

This is a great all-around affirmation and it can cover anything from steps taken in a procedure to dance steps.

8. Your Kindness Is A Balm To All Who Encounter It.

We totally encourage you to embrace your poetic side, especially in texts and writing.

9. You’re Even More Beautiful On The Inside Than You Are On The Outside.

During a time when many of us fear being seen only for what’s on the surface, it is especially valuable to let others know that you perceive what may go unspoken and unseen by others.

10. When You’re Not Afraid To Be Yourself Is When You’re Most Incredible.

It helps when we all encourage each other to be our honest, authentic selves. Fear and insecurity can cloud any endeavor, and we can all benefit from affirming each other that we are enough.

11. If You Were A Box Of Crayons, You’d Be The Giant Name-Brand One With The Built-In Sharpener.

Try on some metaphorical humor to express your compliment words and produce a smile.

12. You’re A Candle In The Darkness.

This one’s deep. It gets the most mileage in writing where it can be read over and over again in times of self-doubt.

13. Actions Speak Louder Than Words, And Yours Tell An Incredible Story.

You’re saying that you are moved by your awareness of another’s courage and tenacity.

14. In High School, I Bet You Were Voted “Most Likely To Keep Being Awesome.”

That’s a funny all-around good compliment that says: “You’re great now and I bet you’ve been great since forever.”

15. You’re Really Something Special.

The word “special” is boundless in its depth.

16. Babies And Small Animals Probably Love You.

The thing about babies and small animals is that they are symbolic of raw honesty and ultimate truth.

17. If Cartoon Bluebirds Were Real, A Couple Of ’Em Would Be Sitting On Your Shoulders Singing Right Now.This is a humorous way to say that another exudes positivity.

18. You’re More Fun Than A Ball Pit Filled With Candy.

Ball pits, candy, and Disney World are universal metaphors for fun and unfettered happiness.

19. You Always Know How To Find That Silver Lining.

Idioms for positivity never fail to add color and creativity to your words.

20. You’re More Fun Than Bubble Wrap.

Metaphors as compliments are great for adding character to your compliment words. What other metaphors for fun can you think of? Waterslides? Zip lines? Ice cream cones?

21. How Do You Keep Being So Funny And Making Everyone Laugh?

A general awed “How do you do (x)?” is a consistent way to say, “I’m impressed!

22. You Have The Courage Of Your Convictions.

We love this one because it recognizes the value in another’s honesty, authenticity, and integrity. Speaking our truth is hard. It will always be. We can all use all the support and encouragement we can get to keep being strong in our beliefs no matter how vulnerable we may feel when we fight for them, especially in the face of opposition.

23. You Are Making A Difference.

You are letting your loved one know that their actions, thoughts, insights, and presence matter to you, and to everyone around you.

14 Date Best Date Ideas

14 Date Best Date Ideas

14 Date Best Date Ideas

14 Date Best Date Ideas

Whether you’ve been dating for a while or new to it, having an arsenal of date ideas is key to an exciting and exhilarating dating life.

As with most things, all ideas aren’t created equal.

That’s why we are here. Today we’re going to dive into some of the best date ideas for couples.

There are good ideas but then there are great ideas. The key to success is how and when to use them.

Here are the 8 best date ideas:

1. Take A Trendy Workout Class

Learning a new exercise together can be fun and intriguing.It might test your level of fitness, flexibility or even ability to learn on the spot but what makes this great is the fact that you get to go through the process of learning it together.

2. Fulfill Your Bucket List

Fulfilling your bucket list can be one of those great things to do. From skydiving to wine tasting, our bucket list can cover both ends of the spectrum.Create great memories by crossing a few items from each others’ lists.

3. Hot Air Balloon Ride

Take a ride up above the clouds. Enjoy a breathtaking view with your love.You might want to celebrate the beauty with a glass of wine.

4. Snorkeling

Spend some time with sea creatures and underwater ruins.Take pics or just fetch the amazing moments into your mind.

5. Star Gazing

When you think about romantic evenings some things that cross your mind include wine, picnics and star gazing.Stargazing is a great way for couples to relax and connect with each other.

6. Check Out A Trampoline Park

There’s no greater place to bring out the child in you than at a trampoline park.There’s no harm in a “play date”. Playing brings out the best in us and helps us to relive our happiest moments.

7. Have Brunch

There’s just something special about a brunch date, man.Choose a nice, cozy spot to have brunch and it’ll be a winner every time.

8. Go Horseback Riding

This can be a thrilling experience especially if you’ve never done it.Horses are majestic and can run at high speeds.The experience can be electric. You won’t forget it.

6 Best First Date Ideas

Going on a first date can be overwhelming to many. This is because they want to make the best first impression, get to know their date and have a great time.Processing all of this and coming up with first date ideas can be frustrating so here’s a list of things you can do on your first date.

1. Hit The Amusement Park

Don’t worry about awkward silences or conversation starters. Here, you’ll have plenty of fun things to do and many things to talk about based on what happens there.

2. Have A Three-Course Dinner… At Different Places.

Have a night out on the town.The appetizer at one spot, main course another and dessert at the final location.This can make for an exciting date experience

3.Play Truth Or Dare.

On a first date, you’re still getting to know about your significant other.Truth or dare questions can help you to get some answers to some questions you’ve been dying to ask.And also, get an idea of their personality based on what they ask you to do or answer.

4. Go To A Baseball Game

Enjoy the excitement of a sporting event such as a baseball game on your first date.It will take the tension off of having to engage in conversation all night.Also, it gives you a lot to talk about during and after the date.

5. Go To The Beach

Have a relaxing first date by spending time at the beach.This gives you an opportunity to engage in many different activities while getting to know each other.

6. Head To The Zoo

Visiting the zoo can be a good first date option.

Observing animals and engaging in conversation is a solid start to dating.

10 most common ways to destroy your beard.

10 most common ways to destroy your beard

10 most common ways to destroy your beard

10 most common ways to destroy your beard

#1. Washing with Male Products like shampoo, conditioner, soap.

This is probably the single most common mistake around. Men’s personal care products like shampoos and conditioners designed for the hair on your head have more intense detergents than beard washes and softener. Continued use of these cleansers can lead to excessive drying of your beard. This ultimately makes your beard brittle and uncomfortable. There are many men’s personal care product that help fight these issues.

#2. Not using enough beard oil

There’s no such thing as using too much beard oil. Beard oils are designed to be an excellent moisturizer for your beard and skin and are one of the best products for men with beards. Use it like you stole it. 

#3. Blow drying your hair incorrectly

The blow dryer is an excellent, under-utilized styling tool. However, if you use it incorrectly it can cause more harm than good.

#4. Using a hair straightener

Imagine using high heat with the blow dryer. Now multiply that 10X. Therefore, using a straightener on your beard is a heavily debated topic

#5. Picking at your beard

We all do it. In fact, we touch our beards an average of 7,000 times per day. Try to break any nervous habits that involve twisting or picking at your beard.

#6. Never trimming your beard

Your beard hair is at it’s healthiest in the earliest stages of growth. It’s downhill from there. Using Men’s personal care products like trimmers make it east to trim your beard regularly maintains a healthy growth pattern and keeps those stubborn split ends tamed and controlled.

#7. Using the wrong tools

We get what we pay for. Using cheap, over the counter grooming tools can and will cause long term damage to your beard. Make sure you buy the best products for men and invest in the important things in life like your beard, and you’ll see results immediately.

#8. Shaving or trimming too much off the neckline

Please, PLEASE don’t try to outline your jaw line with your beard. It doesn’t look good. Let your beard grow down to about two fingers above your adams apple. This will give your beard a thicker appearance, and you won’t look like such a newb to the bearded world.

#9. Not combing it enough

Get yourself a beard comb and use that sucker. Keeping your beard combed and untangled will keep it healthy looking, and soft to the touch.

#10. Not washing enough or washing too much

The amount of washing you do totally depends on the lifestyle you live. If possible, keep the washing down to a minimum, but don’t stop completely. Use beard softener regularly to keep you beard soft and squeaky clean.

3 Watches Every Man Must Own (Starter Watch Collection)

3 Watches Every Man Must Own (Starter Watch Collection)

3 Watches Every Man Must Own (Starter Watch Collection)

3 Watches Every Man Must Own (Starter Watch Collection)

Perhaps the best accessory a man can own is a watch. They’re stylish, easy-to-wear, and can be utilized for both time and fashion. On one hand, it’s a timepiece and on another hand (no pun intended), it’s a piece of jewelry that tells a story.

Watches Have Meaning, Style & Function

What separates watches from other pieces of jewelry isn’t just the time-telling aspect of it. Watches hold more sentimental value than other pieces of jewelry. You’ll usually hear more stories about someone’s watch than about their necklace or their bracelet.

That’s because watches are also durable and can withstand the test of time. It’s not uncommon to see people wearing watches that their grandfather wore back in the 80s, which is why they’re so valuable. They tell the time both figuratively and literally.

But what if you’re in the market for a new watch? Well, first off, let me tell you that there’s no “one watch” to solve your problems because there are different watches for different activities.

There are watches for people who are around water all the time and there are watches for people who like to wear suits to work. But maybe you’re an all-around guy. Maybe you like to wear suits to work, but you go swimming in the evening.

The 3 Watches Every Man Should Own

In this article I’ll help you find the three watches every man should own. Now, does that mean you have to go out and spend your hard-earned money on three watches right away? Absolutely not!

Watches are meant to be cherished and you can do that over a period of time. Some people take years to buy their second watch. Others take months. It’s up to you to decide whenever you feel like you’re ready to buy another timepiece. 

However, these three are absolute essentials if you’re looking to start a watch collection. Not only do they cover the entire spectrum for utility, but they’re also very simple pieces that are easy on the wrists.

Here are my three types of watches every man must own!

Field Watch

A field watch is great for the outdoors. It’s simple, great for active work, and fits well for most seasonal outfits. 

Originally designed for soldiers during World War II, these watches were literally called “trench watches” because they would wear them in the trenches while they fought. Therefore, field watches were built to be durable and tell great time. 

Field watches usually have large dials, around 38mm-45mm, and are also built with stainless steel or titanium casing. And because battles could go throughout the night, most field watches are now equipped with lume hands and numerals.

A field watch’s dial tends to have a very high contrast so that it’s easy to see the time. The dial colors are usually white numerals on a black dial or black numerals on a white dial. To top it all off, most field watches come with leather or canvas straps. 

Some people might think that a bracelet strap would be more durable for a field watch, but that’s not the case. Bracelet straps can scratch easily and the purpose of the leather and canvas straps is to be able to change them out quickly in case of an emergency.

All in all, the field watch is great for outdoor activities. The stainless steel/titanium casing provides a solid reinforcement against scratches and marks. The lumed hands and numerals allow you to use this watch during nighttime, and the leather canvas straps are easy to wear and replace.

Some good field watches that you can get started with are a Seiko 5, a Hamilton Khaki, or a Timex Expedition Scout. 

Dress Watch

Despite its name, a dress watch isn’t only meant to be used whenever you’re going to a formal event. A dress watch’s purpose is to elevate your outfit and if you’re wearing the right clothes, it’ll do its job.

The standard dress watch has a clean dial face, a thin case made from precious metal, and comes with a leather strap. For a dress watch, the presentation is the first priority. Timekeeping is second. There are several things you need to make sure you’re doing right whenever you wear a dress watch.

For one, the dress watch must be proportional to your wrist size. Too big of a watch dial and you’ll look uncultured. Too small of a watch dial and your watch will have no effect on the crowd.

Secondly, the dress watch must be simple. The most a dress watch can have is a date window. Things like a sub-dial, a chronograph, or a perpetual calendar will only take away from how a dress watch looks on your wrist.

You should also wear jewelry to complement the watch, but to do so, you must first understand how to properly wear jewelry. A well-fitted bracelet or a nice pair of rings will improve your outfit even more.

Even though I said that the standard dress watch has a clean dial, thin case, and a leather strap, these standards are starting to be broken. With major luxury brands like Patek Philippe, Audemars Piguet, Richard Millie, and Rolex creating new watches every year, the rules of a dress watch are constantly being modified.

Today, the idea of a dress watch is relative. People can get away with wearing something like an Omega Speedmaster and have it considered to be a dress watch in the sense that it was worn to a dinner party.

However, if you’re looking to follow the rules of time and go with the standard look, then I recommend something like a Nomos Tangente or an IWC Portofino to start off. Some more budget-friendly options are the Seiko Presage and the Hamilton Jazzmaster.

Diver Watches

Diver watches were originally meant for people who spent a lot of time around water. But like the dress watches, diver watches have experienced a slight change in the rules.

Thanks to their ruggedness and aesthetically unique look, diver watches are starting to be used for their looks as well as their functions. A well-fitting diver watch can look great on a rugged outfit, such as a leather jacket on denim.

But their functionality is still what makes them special. They have many features that other watches don’t have. The most obvious of these functions is that they’re waterproof and can withstand different pressures underwater. 

Along with being waterproof, dive watches also have bezels that can act as a timer, a reinforced sapphire glass, a crown to adjust the time, and a strap that is either made up of metal or rubber.

As for withstanding the pressures of being underwater, you’ll want to get a dive watch that fits your activities. A watch that goes up to 100 meters can be used for things like recreational swimming and scuba-diving.

Watches ranging from 200-500m can be used for scuba diving as well as the other activities mentioned above and watches that go up to 1000 meters are usually military-grade watches intended for deep-water diving. 

Dive watches have become a norm for watch enthusiasts because they can withstand most of the rigors of on-land activity and can also be styled fairly well with different outfits. A common outfit that people would wear with dive watches is a white t-shirt, jeans, and your favorite pair of sneakers. 

Out of the three pieces I’ve mentioned, most people like to start with a dive watch. They’re a medium between a dress watch and a field watch. They look nice, are easy on the wrists, and keep great time.

Some great starter dive watches are a Seiko SKX007, Citizen Men’s Eco-Drive Promaster Diver, and an Orient Mako.