10 Proven Techniques for Approaching and Meeting Women in 2020

10 Proven Techniques for Approaching and Meeting Women in 2020

10 Proven Techniques for Approaching and Meeting Women in 2020

10 Proven Techniques for Approaching and Meeting Women in 2020

Hey my fellow gents! I want to play a game with you…

Let’s play “What Do You Do?”

Here’s the scenario, you’re at a bar/venue/event/etc., and you see a beautiful woman smiling at you from across the room/bar/whatever.

What do you do?

Did you freeze?


Totally blow it?

Okay, okay, let me give you an easier scenario. You are at an event/bar/whatever and you want to meet girls.

What do you do?

I’ll wait…Having a tough time with this one too?

Yeah, I understand, and I’ve gone through the same thing. Sometimes, I still have issues if we are being honest. Fear not though gentlemen, for I am going to share some solid tips for meeting and approaching women when you are out and about.

There are two ways you can approach women: directly and indirectly. Equally effective, both options offer easy and actionable techniques to implement into your communication and potential connection with a girl.

Meeting Women: The Indirect Approach

Indirect is my personal favorite style for meeting women, approaching women, and just meeting new people in general. This style is based on creating a “party bubble” around you that brings women to you. Here’s how we can accomplish this.

1. Post Up At High Traffic Points

– Bar – The high traffic points would be the elbows (corners) of the bar. This is where everyone will be coming and going to get their drinks

– Party/Event – If there is an open bar, make that your station, if not, post up near the refreshment/food table. Everyone will be coming for a drink or bite to eat.

– Concert or club (where there is dancing) – The area between the dance floor and the seating area. This is where girls will be walking to the dance floor or coming from the dance floor.

2. Send A Positive Vibe

– Make sure to be in a positive mood, give off positive vibes and show that you are having fun. Women will notice this and will naturally gravitate towards you.

– Do not be that scowling guy in the corner. Would you want to be around that person? Thought so.

3. Cheers Everyone As They Walk By

– Everyone always smiles and returns the gesture

– The guy who reaches out positively is seen as being fun, open, inviting and social

 – This is an easy way to connect with women and a low risk if you fear rejection.

4. Have A Smile On Your Face, ALWAYS

No one wants to interact with someone who looks like they are grumpy.

5. Look Like You Belong

– Be confident in your own skin, comfortable where you are, and take everything in while having a good time. Have you ever seen that guy that just seems like he knows exactly what he’s doing and that he belongs there? Be that guy.

– Stand tall, shoulders back, arms by sides, head nodding to the music, smile on your face and enjoying your drink.

These are five solid, actionable tips for an indirect way to meet girls. I guarantee that if you use some of these tips, women will approach you and make it easier for you to engage in conversation with them.

Now that we’ve covered the indirect approach, let’s move on to the direct approach.

Meeting Women: The Direct Approach

The direct approach is what most guys think of when they decide they want to meet girls while out. This approach is when you randomly walk up to a girl you’ve never met before and start a conversation with her.

This approach requires self-confidence and zero fear of rejection. Let’s be real though, rejection is part of this game, so……get used to it. Let’s dive into actionable tips to make approaching girls directly a lot easier!

6.The 5-Second Rule

– This is the rule I use often. It’s simple – you see a girl you like, count to 5 and go approach her. If you wait longer than 5 seconds, you will overthink and I guarantee it will become a crash and burn situation.

7. Never Overthink

– Just go for it. Girls want you to come talk to them. Don’t worry about what you are going to say or how you will look. Just be yourself and be confident.

8. If She Makes Eye Contact Or Smiles At You

Go talk to her now!!!! This is a clear sign she’s okay with you coming to say “Hey”, so utilize this opportunity to make your move.

9. Stay Positive

– Have a blast with walking up to a girl and talking to her. You must realize, not many guys have what it takes to even do this, so already you’re way ahead of the curve.

– Confidence is key. If you feel like you’re not confident well…FAKE IT!! Fake it till you make it. If you believe you are confident, then eventually you will become confident.

– Girls can pick up on your confidence and positivity. So, make sure you have at least both. You can have the corniest conversation, make embarrassing mistakes, and yet if you’re confident, positive and fun, I can guarantee she will overlook that and continue to converse with you.

10. Tell Yourself, “I Hope I Like This Girl” As You Approach Her

Go in with the mindset that you’re hoping you like her and not hoping she likes you.

– This flips the script. This is the positive self-talk you should have running through your mind when talking to any woman. You know you’re pretty awesome, you just want to find out if she’s just as awesome. If she doesn’t like you…that’s okay! You know you’re awesome already and never needed that validation from a woman. It’s her loss if she doesn’t realize it.

– A good book for this mentality is Models by Mark Manson.

Wrapping Up

Alright gents, so I just gave 10 proven tips for meeting women and now that you’re equipped with a variety of tips for both styles (direct and indirect) of approaching women, I want you to remember the following. For whatever technique you decide to use, be confident, be yourself, stand tall, SMILE (I can’t emphasize this enough), and have open/positive body language.

When you are successful using any of these techniques and you find yourself engaging with a woman you like, get her number then move on back to your group. You want to move on so you don’t overplay your hand, it lessens the chance of making a mistake and it makes both her and you excited to plan the date and see each other.

3 Steps to Make a Girl Laugh (And Why It Makes Getting Her In Bed So Easy)

3 Steps to Make a Girl Laugh (And Why It Makes Getting Her In Bed So Easy)

Ask a girl, “What are you looking for in a guy?”…

And chances are, she’ll say “A sense of humor.”

Over and over, I find men confused because they think women are looking for a guy who has a sense of humor.

But what does that really even mean?

It has to mean something… right?

So today, I’m going to tell you what it means to have a sense of humor…

Why women love it so much…

And how to show yours to the next woman you’re with.

The #1 Difference Between a “Funny” Guy and a Guy Who “Makes Her Laugh”

It’s true that women love a guy with a good sense of humor — but this isn’t the same as a “funny” guy.

Women are not looking for “funny” men, even when they say they are.

Instead, they’re looking for men who have a sense of humor — men who make them laugh.

Sure, being funny can certainly be an attractive quality. No question about it.

However, it’s not really what women are looking for.

Just look around you the next time you’re at a comedy show and see if the women have the same look on their faces that they have at a rock concert.

Yes, guys like Eddie Murphy, Jamie Foxx, Dane Cook and Jim Carrey are all funny — and they probably never had much trouble getting women either.

However, guys like Dave Atell, Louis C.K., Jim Gaffigan, and Bill Burr are also funny…

But they probably weren’t getting much action until they had a big following.

This is the difference between a “funny” guy and a guy with a sense of humor — a funny guy can make women laugh, but he’s not as socially adept as a guy with a sense of humor.

What Does It Really Mean to Have a “Sense of Humor”?

A guy with a sense of humor is a guy who “gets a joke.”

Is that what makes him attractive, though?

Not exactly — what’s attractive about a guy with a sense of humor is that he laughs in situations when other guys would get angry or upset.

If someone is yelling in his face? He laughs. Maybe he makes fun of the other guy.

If a woman is trying to control him? It doesn’t affect him. He smiles it off.

A guy who has a sense of humor is not overly sensitive.

He’s not angry or creepy or violent.

Instead, he’s cool, calm, and confident.

This is what it means to have a sense of humor — having the ability to find humor in things, or being willing to laugh.

But why do women like this quality so damn much?

Why Women Love a Guy Who Can Make Them Laugh

When a woman says, “I like a guy who makes me laugh,” she is being 100% honest.

However, perhaps most men are hearing it wrong.


Because when a woman likes a guy — whether or not he has a sense of humor — he makes her laugh.

That doesn’t mean his making her laugh produces the feelings of “I like you” (although they can).

No — when a woman is with a man she likes, she is nervous. And her nervous reaction is to laugh. Often.

In addition to this, being around a guy she finds attractive triggers automatic mating behavior, like smiling and showing teeth.

Attraction also brings out a submissive quality in women — so she feel like and often acts like a little girl, resulting in giggling and other girlish behavior.

Just like the ability to laugh at yourself is a sign (and usually a result) of confident and self-acceptance, when you help a woman laugh at herself, she feels those same emotions of confidence and self-acceptance.

And for a woman, this is incredibly attractive and enjoyable.

So with that in mind, here are 3 keys to making a woman laugh, so you can show her your sense of humor and turn her on:

1) Remember That You Don’t Have to Be “Funny”

While women love a man with a sense of humor, it’s important to remember that you shouldn’t force the “funny.”

It’s not necessary to be funny — your first date should not feel like an open mic or a standup comedy show.

Many dating coaches teach their clients how to improvise — this is not the same as telling random jokes.

So from there, here’s the next key to make her laugh the way she wants:

2) Show Off Your Sense of Humor

While you can’t conjure up a sense of humor out of thin air, it’s actually pretty easy to show her yours.

The easiset way to show her your sense of humor on a date is to ask yourself, “What’s funny about this that I haven’t noticed already?”

Basically, at that point in a situation where your natural response is to get anxious…


Or angry…

Try to think about laughing instead.

As you’ll see in many masculine characters — notably the Samurai when introduced in many Japanese films — the willingness to laugh is a major sign of strength.

3) If You Can Make Her Laugh, She’s Practically Yours

The final key to remember is that if she’s laughing, then you’ve won half the battle.

So when you’re on a date, and the woman you’re with challenges you (which she will likely do), try exercising your options to tease her, laugh, or smirk.

One of the easiest ways to make her laugh is to stare at her hard while smirking.

This shows her that you’re not intimidated by her challenges, and it also reveals your sense of humor.

(You can also try using one of these totally under the radar touches to turn her on fast…)

It will also likely make her laugh.

And once she’s laughing, turning her on is easy — here’s how to do it:

She’s Smiling & Laughing? Here’s Your Next Step…

Like I said before, if the woman you’re with is smiling & laughing at your jokes… it’s a huge sign she’s attracted to you.


It’s evolution, man — back in prehistoric days, women would bare their teeth & laugh as part of mating behavior…

So when a caveman saw a woman smiling & laughing… and he wanted to take her back to his “cave”…the next thing he would do? Touch her for 2-3 seconds.

He was subtle about it — so he wouldn’t have to worry about fighting off other jealous cavemen — but the touch was powerful enough to turn her on… & get her to focus solely on him… all in a matter of minutes.

When you use it on a woman today, it seems to bypass all her “mind games”…or her need for “charming banter”… and often, it’s powerful enough to get her to whisper those 6 little words into your ear:

“Wanna come back to my place?”

Common Insecurities Guys Face (and How to Get Over Them)

Common Insecurities Guys Face (and How to Get Over Them)

We all have some insecurities. Most of the time we are embarrassed or ashamed of them. And this is completely natural…

But without facing and overcoming them, insecurities can cripple your confidence and self-esteem. It can make you feel like you aren’t ‘enough’. And this will quickly lead to self-pity and even depression.

#1: Your Body

Recently there’s been a big movement to ’empower’ women against the unrealistic body expectations that our society has placed upon them.
And while that is an important issue, it’s important to realize that men have body image issues of our own.
Men’s Health magazines, popular movies, and your Instagram feed are all full of jacked dudes with beautiful women hanging off their shoulders. Which has a lot of us thinking that having a lean, muscular body is something that every man feels pressured to achieve.
So when you look in the mirror and perceive yourself as chubby or scrawny, it’s only natural to feel like a ‘failure’. You know that having a ripped body is something that other men respect and that women find attractive.
And when you’re not living up to this ideal body image, it can damage your self-esteem big time. There are also plenty of Men’s supplement products that can help you achieve this body of your dreams!

#2: Your Hair

Having a full head of hair is a sign of youthfulness and virility, so it’s only normal to feel insecure when you begin to bald especially if it’s at a younger age.

You get hyper-focused on your hairline every time you see your reflection. You can’t appreciate the things that make you attractive, because the only thing you notice is your thinning hair.

All of this will slowly but surely eat away at your self-confidence, as you begin to compare yourself to other men based on your hair, rather than your other physical qualities, your style, or what you actually do in life. A male product like Rogaine can help some men with their hair loss and thinning but some of the products can have a negative side effect as well.

#3: Your Height

Being tall is a sign of strength and authority, so it’s easy to feel like you’re a ‘lesser man’ if you’re on the shorter side.

It’s far too easy to get hyper-focused on your height, and immediately notice how much taller everyone else is when you walk into a room..

And it’s impossible to have true confidence if you’re constantly comparing yourself to other guys. This will only feed the insecurity and make you place more and more of your self-worth on your lack of height.

Also, this insecurity can be extra painful because there’s no male product to help with this one and there’s really nothing you can do to increase your height and grow taller.

#4: Your Sexual Ability

If you’re not confident in your ability to have good sex and please women in bed, it can have a very negative affect in your life in many different ways.

It doesn’t matter if this insecurity is a result of having limited sexual experience or being embarrassed by the shape or size of your penis. Both of these common causes ultimately lead to the same symptoms.

On one hand you’re far more likely to struggle with premature ejaculation or erectile dysfunction. This is because both of these sexual dysfunctions are caused by anxiety. And when you’re insecure about sex, you’re likely to be quite anxious in the moments leading up to it.

Also you’re far more likely to have low self-esteem around women in general. You simply cannot be truly confident around a girl if you’re worried about whether or not you’ll be able to please her (if things eventually escalate to sex). Likely there are many male enhancement products on the market today to help with all these issues.

#5: Your Income

Another common insecurity guys have is related to how much money you make.

Making a lot of money is the primary measure of success in our society, especially in regards to men. So when you aren’t making a lot of money, it’s only normal to feel a bit embarrassed or ashamed about it.

Not only does it prevent you from buying nice clothes, or going on exciting vacations, but it’s also a constant source of stress.

On one hand, you don’t want other people to know, because you want them to assume that you’re financially stable. We all do. We all want to be perceived as successful. On the other hand, having to pay your bills can be a very real and very painful source of anxiety. Nobody wants to worry about how they’re going to pay their next rent check.

The combination of trying to hide your financial struggles, and trying to make enough money to survive, can cripple even the strongest man’s confidence and self-esteem.

How to get over any insecurity 

I know you might be feeling sorry for yourself after reading all the negatives above…

But hold up! There’s actually a pretty siUntitled design (60).pngmple system to quickly remove the ‘stranglehold’ that insecurities can hold over your self-esteem.

Step 1: Identify Your Insecurity 

The first step is to identify a specific insecurity you have. It could be one of the 5 I mentioned above, or it could be something else that you’re embarrassed or ashamed of.

The main thing here is to be honest with yourself.

Step 2: Accept it

The second step is to ‘accept’ the reality that you have this particular insecurity.

The biggest mistake guys make is to try and pretend their insecurities don’t exist. Sure, you may feel sorry for yourself for being bald or being out of shape, but have you fully accepted it?

Have you accepted the reality of the situation? Have you accepted the fact that this insecurity is a part of who you are?

Until you can answer an honest “yes” to these questions and actually be cool with it – you’ll continue to feel inferior to other men. Until you can look yourself in the mirror and be okay with the fact that you’re short, or bald, or sexually inexperienced and actually be comfortable with it – you won’t be able to possess true confidence.

None of us are perfect. We all have rough edges and imperfections. Those of us who can accept these things are the ones who are the most confident.

Step 3: Share it 

The final step is to share your insecurity with someone else. This will truly allow you to accept the insecurity and actually be cool with it.

You see, insecurities hold power over us because we’re afraid that other people are judging us based on these insecurities. We’re afraid that people are looking at us and only seeing a short dude, or a bald dude, or a chubby dude. We’re afraid that other men won’t respect us – and that women won’t like us – because of these things.

By sharing your insecurity with someone else, it essentially ‘short-circuits’ this logic and demolishes the power of the insecurity.

I suggest choosing a close friend or family member and sharing your insecurity with them (even though I know that sounds extremely intimidating). After you do this, I promise you’ll feel like a huge weight has been lifted from your shoulders