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8 Must-Know Sex Tips for Men

Even if you’re the smoothest guy on the planet you should always be looking to elevate your bedroom game even further. There’s always more to learn about sex, about your partner, and about how you can give your sex life a boost and keep things sizzling for many years to come, right? The following tips are just a few pointers every man ought to keep in mind if he’s serious about keeping his partner satisfied and being his sexual best both now and into the future.

1. Keep the lines of communication open

Even the hottest, happiest couples can eventually find themselves smack in the middle of a lengthy sexual rut. Time passes, your relationship deepens, and you become more comfortable with one another. Life happens. Things can start to get routine when it comes to sex as a result. Don’t simply resign yourself to it. Break out of your rut (or prevent yourselves from falling into it in the first place) by having frank conversations about sex together on a regular basis. Take turns telling each other what you each need, as well as suggesting new things you might like to try. Both your sex life and your relationship in general will benefit.

2. Hit the gym

Need some additional motivation to make a daily habit out of exercise? Know that it’s one of the best things a man can possibly do for his sexual health and the ongoing quality of his sex life. Not only does sex boost your body’s testosterone production, adding up to a big boost for your libido, but you’ll build strength, stamina, and flexibility as well. Plus, exercise is awesome for your confidence and self-esteem. You don’t have to kill it in the gym for hours every day to reap the benefits either. Even as little as 15-20 minutes a day can make a massive difference, so lace up those cross-trainers and get moving!

3. Eat right

As with exercise, this is something most men know they should be doing. We get out of our bodies what we put into them and that’s just as true in the bedroom as it is anywhere else in life. Treat your body right by cutting back on junk and feeding it plenty of nourishing, healthy foods instead (e.g. lean proteins, whole grains, and fresh produce). Among other benefits, you’ll keep your circulatory and cardiovascular systems in tip-top condition – an absolute must when it comes to achieving the hard, huge, long-lasting erections you no doubt want.

4. Be generous with the compliments

Everyone loves to hear how hot and desired they are. It’s unlikely your partner is any exception, so make sure you’re letting them know on the regular that you think they’re totally smokin’. Mention body parts of theirs that drive you especially wild or compliment them on their own sizzling bedroom skills. Everyone feels more enthusiastic between the sheets when they’re also feeling themselves.

5. Switch things up regularly.

Variety is the spice of life, especially in the bedroom. That said, don’t leave it completely up to your partner to spice things up and keep sex exciting. Try taking the initiative yourself by switching things up once in a while. If you and your partner have a naughty toy chest or a costume drawer, consider surprising them with a couple of fun new items to add to it. (Lingerie, toys, lubes – anything goes!) New positions and locations are also good, as is switching up the time of day the two of you get down and dirty. Sex is an art form if you allow it to be, so be creative!

6. Get acquainted with lube.

If you’re not already using lube on the regular, you should really be aware of what a game changer it is. In addition to helping smooth the way when it comes to lots of different kinds of sex play, lube can open the door to an entirely new host of interesting sensations. For instance, there are warming lubes, cooling lubes, and lubes that come in various flavors or scents. Some lubes do excellent double duty as massage oils as well, so it’s definitely worth your while to find a few you like and keep them handy.

7. Turn your portable tech into your new best friend.

Hoping tonight’s agenda will include some serious one-on-one time between the sheets? In the mood to give both of you a little something to look forward to later? Chances are you pass a lot of your downtime looking at your phone anyway, so consider using it to prime the pump for later, so to speak. Send your partner romantic or sexy messages throughout the day to let them know they’re totally on your mind. Get as raunchy and risqué as you like. You’ll both be totally hot to trot by the time you get home, even if your current workload means having to work late.

8. Hold off for a bit.

If you and your partner are already having sex regularly, consider putting the nix on sexual activity for a while to allow a little urgency to build. Nothing makes you lust after your lover quite like knowing you can’t have them right that minute. How long you hold off is up to you, but whether it’s a few days or an entire week, you can rest assured that the next time you come together, things are bound to be super explosive. Give it a try and see for yourself!